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About Us

Rookie Developer is an educational company founded by Troy Harris, a property developer in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Australia. Rookie Developer’s purpose is to teach everyday Aussies how to develop property Simply, Safely and Successfully. Through the use of our products and mentoring programs we'll teach you how to create beautiful homes and a lifestyle that enables you to work on your own terms.


“I went from being a toy shop owner drowning in debt to a successful property developer with over $27 Million worth of development projects in 8 years. Now I teach everyday people how to do the same with Rookie Developer; developing property simply, safely, and successfully.”
– Troy Harris, Founder of Rookie Developer

It all started when I first began developing property and I realised just how significant the lack of information available to the average person about property development really was. It was from this realisation that Rookie Developer was born. The resources and mentoring programs that I've created bridge the property development knowledge gap for the everyday Aussie, and enables people to learn to live and enjoy life the way I get to, by developing property simply, safely, and successfully every time.

When I first started out in property development, I spent a crazy amount of time researching everything from the general building process to submitting applications at Council, right through to common components of housing establishment like stormwater and waste systems, and installation of gas, electricity, etc. It was from this that I saw a way to provide true value to other people wanting to get into property development.

So how do I help them? In conjunction with my team at Rookie Developer, I facilitate educational events, mentoring programs, webinars, resources, informative blogs, and other tools to help people through the property development process, and a path to financial freedom.

All you need to start developing property are three things:

  1. Some knowledge of the process; (this is where Rookie Developer comes in!)

  2. The courage to get started, and;

  3. The will to succeed

You too could be the next person buying a development site. Wouldn’t a six-figure profit go a long way towards your financial independence?

I love that I can work part-time hours from home while watching and helping my daughters grow and learn. In fact, I think it is the greatest gift I have ever been given; I wouldn’t give it up for the world. However, I also have a passion for helping first-time property developers take action toward their goals. So, I jumped at the chance to help people just like you. To help you overcome whatever it is that is holding you back from a better life, to inspire you to take action towards change. 

Resources & Mentoring

We've put together a number of resources that will assist you in every area of property developing; from number-crunching tools to help you determine if a development will be profitable prior to purchasing, developing checklists to maximise your time and money, to topical webinar replays and one-on-one mentoring, we've got everything you could possibly need to know to get your property developing career off to the best possible start!

Head to our Products page to explore the range.

If you want some guidance to push past the barriers that have been holding you back from accomplishing your property development and financial freedom dreams, head to our $100K Club Mentoring Program page where you can join our Mentoring Program and be partnered with one of our expert property development coaches.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

© 2022 Rookie Developer ABN 26 128 954 334

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